As the Trust is comprised of both mainstream and specialist provision, admission arrangements do vary and are in line with Local Authority admissions for their locality.


The Sea View Trust prioritises the responsibilty to safeguard and promote the welfare of all our learners, staff and stakeholders.  In accordance with the Education and Inspections Act 2006, and DfE guidance, the Trust provides advice to all the settings to support them in developing their own behaviour policies, including their anti-bullying strategy. Our staff will always have the Trustee's support when following this guidance.  Trust principles include:

  1. High standards of behaviour - The Trust believes that high standards of behaviour enable learners to make the best progress in all aspects of their school life.  Leaders are visible and ambitious for all and our staff adopt consistent working practices; they teach, model and promote good learning behaviour.
  2. The right to feel safe - In our Trust organisations, all learners, staff and visitors have the right to feel safe at all times and be free from the affects of unacceptable behaviour.  There must be a culture of mutual respect between all members of the Trust and the wider community.  Behaviour must not jeopardise the health and safety of any member of the school community.
  3. Inclusivity - The Sea View Trust is an inclusive Trust and, as such, the family of schools and college operate in accoradance with clear and shared values.  Each organisation has a clear and comprehensive anti-bullying statement which includes the 9 protected characteristics; this ensures that all members of our community are able to work free from any form of discrimination, harassment or bullying.
  4. Home/ Academy Agreements - Parents, Carers and Advocates are encouraged and helped to support their children's education.  Older students are taught to understand their responsibilites.  Home/ Academy or College Agreements assist everyone in understanding their personal responsibilities, including a commitment to the school/ college vision and values.
  5. Rules - The organisation's rules are clearly stated in relevant local policies and the Trust Board expects these rules to be consistently applied by all staff.  Rules are well communicated; they are shared with, and explained to, all learners. 
  6. Rewards - The academies and college encourage positive behaviour through high expectation, modelling, a focus on learning, praise and rewards.  Any reward should be consistently and fairly applied to support good behaviour/ conduct.  Rewards should be clear in the behaviour policies.
  7. Unacceptable behaviour - Sanctions and / or consequences for unacceptable behaviour must be understood by everyone and consistently applied.  The range of sanctions are described in the relevant local policies so that learners, staff, parents and carers understand them.  Wherever possible, learners will have time to reflect on, learn from, and make repairation for their unacceptable behaviour.  A focus on positive behaviour, forgiveness and reconcilliation reduces the need for exclusion.  However, Leaders balance individual need with safeguarding the wider school community.
  8. Use of reasonable force - Given that the Trust's primary aim is to keep learners and staff safe, Senior Leaders will use their powers to search, or use reasonable force, in order to keep individuals from self-harm, harming others and/ or seriously damaging Trust property.  Each setting defines 'reasonable force' and how this will be applied in their unique context.  All Trust entities have staff trained in the accredited programme Teach Teach. 
  • Please refer to the individual websites for their bespoke information by following the links on the 'Family of Schools and Colleges' tab above.


Since September 2018, Trusts have been required to publish information on their careers programme.  This information relates to the delivery of careers guidance from Year 8 to Year 13.  Our Academies with Secondary provision will have this information on their websites.

  • Please refer to the individual Academy websites for their bespoke information by following the links on the Trust 'Family of Schools and Colleges' tab above.


All Sea View Trust Academies publish their charging and remissions policies on their websites.


We hope that all stakeholders in The Sea View Trust will have a positive experience.  However we recognise that, at times, people may wish to express a concern about the service provided by one of our entities, or indeed by the wider Trust. In the first instance, an incident involving a specific setting should be addressed by following the appropriate local policy.  The relevant policies can be located on the appropriate website, or by contacting the setting directly.

In relation to Whistleblowing, the nominated point of contact in an Academy is:

  • The Chairs of Local Governing Committees

In relation to Whistleblowing in the Trust, the nominated point of contact is:

  • The Chair of Trustees


The Sea View Trust is committed to offering a broad and balanced curriculum across all settings similar in ambition to the National Curriculum.  As a Trust, we firmly believe that education should be holistic and meet the development and additional needs of the learner.

  • Please refer to the individual Academy and College websites for their bespoke information by following the links on the 'Family of Schools and Colleges' tab above.


Job Applicant Privacy Notice




Each of the Trust Academies (and College when appropriate) provides statutory information on their exam and assessment results.

  • Please refer to the individual websites for their bespoke information by following the links on the 'Family of Schools and Colleges' tab above.

Trust level performance for our Primary Academies can be viewed by following this link to the Academy performance tables.

Executive Pay

In line with statutory requirements contained within the Academies Financial handbook, the above documents contain information regarding the Trust's Executive Pay.

Gender Pay Gap

In line with statutory requirements, the Trust monitors the gender pay at least annually.  There are no gender pay gap concerns and the Trust continually seeks to recruit a diverse and inclusive workforce, representative of today's British society.



The Trust has not yet had a Trust level inspection.  All of the Academies and College within The Sea View Trust have received an inspection visit.

  • Please refer to the individual websites for their bespoke information by following the links on the 'Family of Schools and Colleges' tab above.


Key policy documents and information can be viewed and downloaded by following the relevant links on this page. However, visitors to this page are advised that following the merger of The View Trust with Blackpool Multi Academy Trust (to form The Sea View Trust), all statutory policies are currently under review.  If you require further details regarding a specific Trust level policy, please contact the Trust Central Team who will be happy to provide you with the most recent information.


The Sea View Trust is an inclusive Trust.  It is our ambition to challenge perceptions of what learners with SEND can achieve.  


The Trust recognises that some funding is provided for specific and targeted purpose.  Please refer to the individual Academy websites for information on how the most recent and relevant grants have been used in the last year, together with details of spending plans for the current academic year, by clicking on the relevant Trust 'Family of Schools and Colleges' tab above.

Union Facility Time