The Department for Education requires a number of statutory documents to be published by Multi Academy Trusts, please find below the relevant links:

Articles of Association

Master Funding Agreements

Scheme of Delegation


The View Trust's Board of Trustees is accountable in law for all decisions in relation to the Trust schools. However, this does not mean that the full Board is required to make all the decisions itself. Subject to some restrictions, the Trust can decide to delegate decisions to the Board's Sub-Committees, CEO, Governing bodies and Headteachers. The Trust’s decision to delegate a function is made by the full Board of Trustees and must be recorded. Without formal delegation, the individual or committee has no power to act. Once delegation has been determined, the Scheme of Delegation must be published on the Trust’s website.


A Scheme of Delegation is the key document defining which functions have been delegated and to whom; it is a simple yet systematic way of ensuring Members, Trustees, committees and individuals are clear about who has responsibility for making which decisions in the Trust. This overarching Scheme, covering all decision-making in the Trust, should not be confused with the written scheme of delegation of financial powers referred to in the Academies Financial Handbook.

The details regarding delegation are not set out in the Articles of Association, the academy Trust’s Governing document.  Instead, deciding what to retain at Trustee level and what to delegate varies from Trust to Trust and this is why the Trustees are required to agree a bespoke Scheme of Delegation, explicitly establishing who makes what decisions, ensuring this is clear to all.  A detailed yet clear Scheme helps to prevent any misunderstanding which may subsequently lead to a loss for the Trust.

The  financial authorisation levels within the Scheme of Delegation demonstrates the principles which determine and define the financial lines of responsibility within The Sea View Trust. It is intended to be clear so that Members, Trustees and Governing bodies (all volunteers working within the Trust) are clear in respect of their roles and the key aspects of the decision making, to ensure financial effectiveness of the Trust.  It also ensures that the CEO and Headteachers are aware of the financial powers that may be exercised within the schools before further approval is sought from the Board.

The Scheme of Delegation is a 'live' document, with revisions being made as the context within the Trust changes; however, they are reviewed at least annually.  All those involved in governance, and delivering the Trust’s objectives, are made aware of any updates and the impact of changes.