Governance and Leadership Structure


Governance Information

The Sea View Trust is delighted to have a full compliment of both Members and Trustees.  The skills and experiences across the 2 Boards are extensive and all are wholly committed to supporting the work of the Trust Academies.


Trust Members

The Members' role is discrete and distinct; they are tasked with assessing if the Board of Trustees is performing well and, as such, are ensuring that the purpose of the Trust is being met, and its charitable object is being fulfilled. Therefore, whilst they do not need regular business meetings (other than their statutory annual requirement), wherever possible the Members for The Sea View Trust meet termly.

Biographies for Members


Board of Trustees

Governance of the Trust is undertaken by The Board of Trustees. Their role is similar to that of governors in that they have three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Biographies for Trustees

Role of a Trustee

The full Board of Trustees meets three times per year.  In addition there are currently two further committees; one to consider Curriculum, Quality and Standards (CQ&S) and the other to consider Finance, Audit, Resources and Risk (FARR) .  These committees meet termly to consider their focus areas in detail, feeding their findings back to the full Board of Trustees.


Summer Conference

The Sea View Trust hosts a wider Conference, usually in the summer term.  Our Members, Trustees, Chairs of Governors, Central Team, Academy and College Senior Leaders are invited to meet to celebrate progress and consider the priorities for the future direction of the wider Trust.