Teaching and Learning Incremental Coaching Programme

The Trust have developed an Incremental Coaching Programme based on the work of Bambrick-Santayo's leverage leadership. The set up of this programme takes approximately six months and involves training for senior, middle leaders and teachers.

The real purpose of observation and feedback is not to evaluate teachers but to develop them’ (Paul Bambrick-Santoyo, Leverage Leadership 2.0, 2018).

The Sea View Trust has embraced the concept of Instructional Coaching as one of the main levers to actively improve the quality of teaching across all Trust schools. Senior and middle leaders have been trained to use observation and incremental feedback to set small but precise action steps to improve pedagogical practice and help our teachers see, name and do the things that have the greatest impact on both the quality of teaching and on learner outcomes. 

The incremental coaching programme is provided free to schools and educational settings within The Sea View Trust. Schools outside of the Trust can commission this service. For further information, please contact trustoffice@theviewtrust.org