Teaching School Hub re-accreditation

We are delighted to confirm that Team Embrace have been successful in their bid for the re-accreditation of the Embrace Teaching School Hub (TSH) and will hold this status for the next 4 years.
Once again this was a very competitive process and we are delighted to learn that we will be responsible for one of the 87 Teaching School Hubs nationally who are responsible for the delivery of the ‘Golden Thread’ of Teacher Development. Each Teaching School Hub works with over 200 schools joining up services from Initial Teacher Training (ITT), through the Early Career Framework (ECF) and Appropriate Body (AB) services, onto ongoing targeted Continuing professional development (CPD) and National Professional Qualifications (NPQs).
Embrace is central to the Sea View Trust Growth Plan and we are proud to be one of only two Trusts across the Blackpool, Blackburn and Lancashire sub-region who lead a Teaching School Hub; this is an amazing endorsement of how exceptional the Team have been to date.
In short, well done to Katrina Brockbank and all the Embrace team who have worked so hard over the last three years. Good luck in your development over the next four years.
We are also enormously grateful for all of the partner schools, both within our Trust and across the South and West Lancashire patch where Embrace is based, this would not have been possible without your support.