Revoe Learning Academy continues to perform as a GOOD school

24 September 2024

On the 9th and 10th July 2024, Revoe had a graded OFSTED Inspection.  The Trust is very pleased to be able to share the published report.

RLA_OFSTED_Report_July_2024.pdf (

Revoe Learning Academy continues to perform as a GOOD school, across ALL areas of the inspection framework!

Here are just a few comments to celebrate within the report.

'Pupils are made to feel welcome';

'the school is ambitious for pupils';

'Pupils value the opportunities to develop their talents and interests.'

'behaviour across the school is positive and learning is rarely interrupted'

A huge thank you to the children and families for helping make Revoe a very special place, and an enormous thank you to the amazing RLA staff who work tirelessly and are driven to providing the best education possible for all of our children.

Angela Holdsworth MBE (CEO) said "I am so proud of the pupils, staff and leaders at RLA who make the school such a wonderful place to learn. The school faces many challenges and the Ofsted team recognised that leaders and staff have successfully adapted the curriculum and developed pedagogy to meet the widest range of needs. The outcome is a real recognition of the hard work of all the team. The positive feedback received by the Sea View Trust recognised the relentless effort and energy of Dayle Harrison the retiring Head who has taken the school on the journey from Special Measures to Good over the last 10 years. We are delighted that the former Deputy and partner in RLA’s success is now the Headteacher. Paul Osborne brings renewed vision and a sharp focus on teaching and learning to enable the school to build on the recent success. Well done everyone."