Devonshire Primary Academy is a GOOD SCHOOL - Ofsted Visit

31 January 2025

Devonshire Primary Academy was inspected by Ofsted between November 26 and November 27 2024.

Its new report, published on January 13, marks a great improvement with Devonshire receiving a good rating for all five categories: quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management and early years provision.

The school had previously been classed as requires improvement ever since its first inspection as an academy in 2015.

The report starts by stating: “Pupils are happy at Devonshire Primary Academy. The school’s motto of ‘the best that we can be’ is brought to life daily. Pupils try their best. They feel valued and accepted.”

Ofsted noted that “many pupils achieve well and are ready for the next stage of their education” whilst they also “behave well in classrooms and around the school” as well as “flourish[ing] in their various roles and responsibilities.”

The curriculm is then described as being “ambitious and well-thought-out” and staff “have the knowledge and expertise to deliver the curriculum effectively across a number of subjects”.

The school was also praised for its enriching range of trips, it’s support for SEND pupils and the high expectations it places on pupils’ behaviour, working “closely with parents and carers to overcome any barriers that may prevent pupils from attending school”.

Headteacher Dan Simm said: “Since our last full inspection in January 2020, our staff have worked tirelessly and with huge ambition to address the identified areas of improvement. As a Headteacher, I am enormously proud of what our school has achieved and that this has been recognised by Ofsted with a judgement of Good in all 5 areas.

“Devonshire continues to grow from strength to strength; it is a school that I am incredibly proud of and a school that I consider a privilege to lead into its next chapter. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved in the inspection itself, especially staff, colleagues of The Sea View Trust, Governors and our children, who shone during the inspection process and continue to impress us every day.”